Leave a Trace

An ongoing textile research project exploring ephemera outdoors and our relationship in recording our existence

Over the last year, I have been wrapping, threading, winding and moving yarns and wools through and around places of interest

The threads chosen are natural and sometimes mimic the sheep’s wool snagged in fences and wire on walks

All artworks are left in situ, with a single photograph as their document, forming an archive of places visited

  1. Isle of Barra, Outer Hebrides

  2. Samothraki Island, Greece

  3. Athens, Greece

  4. Aegina Island, Greece

  5. Lathkill, Peak District

  6. Robin Hood’s Stride, Peak District

  7. Dartmoor, Devon

  8. Milford Place, Pembrokeshire

Working with the River and Canal Trust in Nottingham to realise some of these ideas around documenting, place making and observing different ways of seeing


Another Way Of Seeing


Build Create Play